Website Design: Make a Strong Impression

Regardless of their particular topic, most websites share four core goals:

  1. Win Audience Attention
  2. Make a Positive Impression
  3. Deliver Critical Information
  4. Create Leads

If you can make all the above happen quickly and easily for your user, they will have a great experience with your website.

Website Design Process

Website design projects generally follow a similar process:


A website design process begins with a series of conversations with organizational stakeholders.


Based on research in Step 1, we layout the underlying structure and visual components that will carry throughout the website design. These elements include fonts, colors, and page layouts. Once we have agreed upon these overarching elements, we can begin to fill in the website with the content.

Content Build-Out

Content is the "meat and potatoes" of any website design, the words and imagery (photos or illustrations) that inform your audience who you are, what you do, and how you do it. 


Once the website build-out is complete, we USE the website to see how it works, find bugs, and fix them. 


When everyone is satisfied, we arrange for the site to "go live." For a brand new website, this may simply involve unblocking public access. For website renovations or replacements, we must take down the old site and replace it with the new one.